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Guide to importing employees as csv

Learn how to quickly import large volumes of employees with a single CSV file

If you are an organization that needs to upload many employees at once, Youandx offers CSV upload.

How to get started

Start by logging in and going to your dashboard. Then tap on "Organization". Then select "Employees", the green button, and then click "Add from CSV"

image-png-Aug-29-2023-11-13-39-9553-AMYou will be prompted to upload a file.

Explanation of columns

In this section, we will review the columns that should be in the file.
Tip: You can download sample csv files as shown in the image below.


Note! The csv file's values should be written exactly the way as written below. I.e., be careful to write "member" in small print, and not to have spaces before and after emails, external IDs, etc.

Column Name Sample Values Description
externalId 1, 2, 3 External ID of the employee. See detailed description below.
organizationExternalId 1, 2, 3 External ID of the department to which employees belong. See detailed description below.
role admin, member, manager Defines what role the employee has. Use "member" in the case of an employee. Use "manager" in the case of a manager. Use "admin" if it is an admin. This field is required.
firstName Lars The first name of the employee. This field is required.
lastName Bak The surname of the employee. This field is required.
email lars@gmail.com The employee's email address. This field is required.
phoneNumber 12345678 Employee's phone number.
languageCode en, en|da, da What language the employee wants to view the page in.
address Helinskigade 27 Address line 1 at the employee's workplace.
city København The city name of the employee's workplace
zipCode 3400, 8210 The postal code of the employee's workplace
state Hovedstaden The region or state of the employee's workplace
countryCode DK The country code of the country where the course is held. (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)

External IDs

An external ID is a unique identifier that you assign to each employee. This ID can consist of a combination of numbers and letters that are selected in a way that they are unique to each employee.

An external ID is useful when you need to assign employees to specific departments or groups in your organization. By assigning an external ID to a business unit, you can easily organize and manage employees based on their affiliation with a specific department.

When uploading employees using the csv upload feature, you can include the external ID of the department to which they belong. By doing this, you can automatically associate the employee with the correct department in the system.

For example, if I know that Lars Jensen must be in the department named "Sales", and I know that this department has the external ID "4", I can use the column "organizationExternalId" to enter this ID. In this way, Lars Jensen automatically associates himself with this department.

Note! If you import an employee with an external ID that already exists, we will update that employee rather than creating a new one with the same ID. 


The system can catch most formatting errors, but we still strongly suggest that you carefully review the imported employee information to ensure that it is correct and complete. Although the system can identify certain errors, it is important to be aware of any errors or omissions in the file.

It is recommended to double-check that all columns are filled correctly and that the data is in the correct format. For example, external IDs must be unique to each employee and must not be identical to other employees' IDs. Likewise, roles must be correctly specified as "admin", "member" or "manager" to ensure proper assignment of rights.

By carefully reviewing and validating the imported employee information, you avoid potential problems or errors in the system and ensure a smooth upload of employees.

Should you unexpectedly discover errors, please contact Youandx on info@youandx.com.