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Guide to importing departments as csv

Learn how to quickly import large volumes of services with a single CSV file

If you are an organization that needs to upload many departments at once, Youandx offers csv-upload.

How to get started

Start by logging in and going to your dashboard. Then tap on "Organization". Then select "Departments", the green button, and then click "Add from CSV"


You will be prompted to upload a file.

Explanation of columns

In this section, we will review the columns that should be in the file.

Tip: You can download sample csv files as shown in the image below.


Column name Example values Explanation
externalId 1, 2, 3 External ID of the department. Elaborated below.
parentExternalId 1, 2, 3 External ID for parent-department. Elaborated below.
companyName Netto, Skitze Name of the department. The field is required.
countryCode DK Country code for which country the department is located in. Format: ISO 3166-1 alpha-2. The field is required.
billingAddress Gdanskgade 2 Address field for the address used for billing. The field is required.
billingCity Nordhavn City of the address, which is used for billing. The field is required.
billingZip 2150 Postal code of the address used for billing. The field is required.
billingState Hovedstaden Postal code of the address used for billing. The field is required.
billingCountryCode DK The country code of the address used for billing. Format: ISO 3166-1 alpha-2. The field is required. 
billingCompany Netto, Skitze The name of the company used for billing. The field is required
billingVatNumber 01100248 CVR/VAT
billingContactName Torben Jørgensen The name of the contact person used for billing. The field is required.
billingContactPhone 12345678, 12 34 56 78 Contact phone number used for billing. The field is required.
billingContactEmail flemming@gmail.com Email of contact person used for billing. The field is required.
billingEan 1234567891011 EAN-number.

External IDs

An external ID is a unique identifier that you assign to each department. This ID can consist of a combination of numbers and letters that are selected in a way that they are unique to each employee.

An external ID can be used to refer to other departments.

For example, if you want to upload a department, "Sales" with the subdivisions, "Private Sales" and "Public Sales", where "Public Sales" has a subdivision, "HR", you can do this as follows:

externalId companyName parentExternalId
1 Sales  
2 Private sales 1
3 Public sales 1
4 HR 3

Adding external IDs is also necessary to be able to add employees to the department through CSV upload.

Note! If you import a business unit with an external ID that already exists, we will update that business unit rather than creating a new one with the same ID. 


The system is capable of detecting most formatting errors, but it is still highly recommended that you review the imported data carefully.

To ensure that all departments and associated information are correctly entered, it is recommended to double-check the file before uploading it. Check if all columns are correctly filled with the relevant information and make sure all required fields are filled in. This will help minimize any errors and ensure a smooth upload of the departments.

If errors occur during the upload process, the system will usually give an error message indicating the specific reason for the error. You can use this information to correct the errors and reload the file.

If you have problems, contact Youandx at info@youandx.com.