Learn how to quickly import large volumes of services with a single CSV file
If you are a supplier who needs to upload many services at once, for example if you are a learning institute, Youandx offers csv upload.
How to get started
Start by logging in and going to your dashboard. Then click on "Profile and services". Then select "Services", "Add product" and press "Import CSV".
- The first file contains products.
- The second file contains classes and lessons
The product file contains the products (or services) that you want to upload.
The classes and lessons file contains the specific locations and times when you hold your courses.
Note that you are not required to upload both files, but you can choose to upload only one of the files.
Be aware that csv uploads may overwrite existing products, classes, and lessons if their external ID matches. (Read more in the "External IDs" section.)
Explanation of columns
In this section, we will review the columns that should be in the files.
Tip: You can download sample csv files as shown in the image below.
Columns in products
Column name | Example values | Description |
productExternalId | 1, 2, 3 | The external ID of the product is used in CSV filter to refer to the product. |
basePrice | 1000, 10000, 10000.00 | The price of the product without VAT in DKK. Note that commas are not allowed. If the price is, for example, DKK 100 and 50 øre, this can be written as 100.50 |
description | This lecture deals with management... | Description of the service. |
format | online, physical, online-and-physical | Use the value "online" if the service is online. Use the value "physical" if the performance is physical. "Online-and-physical" indicates that the service can be held both online and physically. |
isPublic | 0, 1 | Use the value "1" if the service is public and thus appears on Youandx.com. Use a value of 0 to hide performance |
languageCodes | en, en|da, da | The languages in which the service is provided, separated by a "|" (Alt Gr and the button to the left of the Backspace). |
maxDurationMinutes | 60, 120, 123 | The maximum number of minutes the service lasts (not shown on courses, as there may be several course days). |
minDurationMinutes | 1, 10 | The minimum number of minutes the service lasts (not shown on courses, as there may be several course days). |
oneliner | 2 years management experience in 2 hours | Short and catchy description of the service |
productType | workshop, course, talk, coaching | Specifies the type of service. |
title | Management course for new managers | Title of the service |
availability | Available in Nordhavn. | Description of product availability. |
equipment | I'm going to need a sandwich and a water | Description of needed equipment |
Columns in classes and lessons (relevant for courses only)
You need to create both courses and classes! Read an explanation of what the difference between classes and lessons is here.
Column name | Example values | Explanation |
productExternalId | 1, 2, 3 | The external ID of a product with productType "course" |
classExternalId | 1, 2, 3 | For teams, the external ID of the team. For lessons, the external ID of the class the lesson belongs to. |
className | København, October | Only necessary for teams. Team name. |
lessonExternalId | 1, 2, 3 | Only necessary for lessons. External ID of the lesson. |
lessonName | First lesson | The name of the lesson. |
lessonLocation | The Silo | The name of the location. Required if the lesson is physical (not online). |
lessonAddress | Helsinkigade 29, st. | Address field Required if the lesson is physical (not online). |
lessonCity | Nordhavn | The name of the city for the location Required if the lesson is physical (not online). |
lessonZipcode | 2150 | Location zip code Required if the lesson is physical (not online). |
lessonCountryCode | DK | The country code of the country where the course is held. (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) Required if the lesson is physical (not online). |
lessonIsOnline | 0, 1 | Use a value of 1 if the lesson is online. Use a value of 0 if the lesson is physical. |
lessonUrl | https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ABC | If the lesson is online, you can provide a url for the lesson. This can be for example for Teams or zoom. Required if lesson is online. |
lessonMaxParticipants | 50, 100 | Maximum number of participants at the lesson. |
lessonMinParticipants | 1, 2, 3 | Minimum number of participants at the lesson. |
lessonStartDateTime | 2023-12-24 14:30:00 [Above means 24th of december at 2:30PM) |
Lesson start time. Best formatted based on ISO 8601, however, several formats are supported. |
lessonEndDateTime | 2023-12-24 14:30:00 [above means 24th of december at 2:30PM) |
Lesson end time. Best formatted based on ISO 8601, however more formats are supported. |
External IDs
Above, we have introduced the use of external IDs in our csv upload feature. These IDs play an important role in identifying and organizing your benefits, teams, and lessons.
An external ID is a unique identifier that you can assign to each of your services, classes, and lessons. This ID can be any combination of numbers and letters.
An external ID must be unique within its type. For example, if two products have the same external ID in the CSV file, the first product will be overwritten by the second, seeing them as being the same product.
Therefore, you must assign an external ID to each of your products in the products file. Similarly, you can assign an external ID to each of your classes and lessons in the classes and lessons file.
By using these external IDs, you can easily and accurately refer to specific objects. This makes it easier for you to manage and update your services, classes, and lessons, especially when uploading them in bulk.
To associate a class and/or lesson with a course, you must specify the productExternalId for that course in the classes and lessons file. This ensures that the class and lesson are properly connected to the relevant course. Similarly, lessons must have a classExternalId, which is the same as their class ID, in order to be below that class.
The system can detect most formatting errors, but we still strongly suggest that you look through imported products, classes, and lessons when you're done. Especially in the case of dates, a missing time zone can result in a completely wrong time, or even date, so always double check.