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How are competencies handled in the organization, departments and employees?

This article guides you through how competencies work at the three levels

Youandx is designed to have competencies in focus, because we believe that it is precisely the skills and experiences we have as employees that make us all valuable. Therefore, the system provides more opportunities to work with competencies.

Competencies for the entire organization

An admin has the opportunity to choose some competencies that the entire organization must assess itself on. For example, if you focus on communication in your organization, you can choose that all employees who are created must assess themselves on the competence communication.

To choose which competencies all employees in the organization should be assessed on, do the following:

  • Log in to a Youandx admin profile
  • In the navigation bar on the right, tap Organization
  • You will now be taken to a page where you can see the existing departments.
  • Tap the name of the parent organization
  • You will then be taken to the page for the parent organization
  • Then tap Onboarding
  • On this page, under the heading Competencies throughout the company to assess, you can select the competencies on which you want the entire company to be assessed
  • Changes are saved automatically

image-png-Aug-09-2023-11-21-34-2070-AMYou have the option to tap Preview to see what it looks like for the employee when they need to be onboarded.


Competencies for departments

An admin and a manager for a department have the opportunity to choose which competencies the employees should assess themselves on in addition to the competencies that everyone in the organization should choose.

For example, if the marketing department needs to assess themselves on how good they are at Photoshop, this can be chosen here.

Here's how to set this up:

  • Log in to a Youandx admin profile, or a manager for the department
  • In the navigation bar on the right, tap Organization
  • You will now be taken to a page where you can see the existing departments
  • Tap the department for which you want to select competencies
  • You will then be taken to a page that lists the people in this department.
  • Then tap Onboarding
  • On this page, you can choose which competencies the employees in this department should choose


Competencies for employees

When an employee creates a profile, they will be asked to rate themselves on the competencies selected in the previous two sections of this article.

In addition, employees can add competencies to their profile that they are not required to add.

Once the employee has created their profile, their competencies will be visible when accessing their profile.

To find the competencies of an employee:

  • Log in to a Youandx profile
  • In the navigation bar on the right, tap Organization
  • You will now be taken to a page where you can see the existing departments.
  • Now tap Employees to see the employees who are in the organization
  • Use the search box in the upper right corner to find the employee you want to find
  • Tap their name
  • You will then be taken to the employee's profile. where the employee's competencies will appear